
A White Christmas

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Snow makes everything pretty. An iridescent blanket covers all dark and tattered details, leaving a soft glow to our surroundings. The atmosphere transforms; everything becomes muffled and somewhat slower than before, as if we were in a snow globe winter wonderland. 

I've never experienced snow like this in England, not since I was much younger, before I can remember. We as Brits seem to cause a shockwave of excitement and hysteria from the first sighting of a glittering snowflake right down to the brown sludge left behind. I myself, joined by my sister, abandoned our attempt to journey to the gym early in the morning at the instant we glanced out of the window to instead run (more like hobble) around and snap pictures like it would disappear if we blinked.

However, within 20 minutes we were soaked through and ready to go home for a warm bath and hot chocolate! Even though I wish for snow every year, the novelty wears out fairly quickly just as fast as the snow turns to slush and ice. Pop and I were lucky enough to be some of the first to walk in the untouched snow, when it was still fluffy and deep :) So, I'm happy that I was able to capture the short moments of happiness that followed our discovery especially before the rest of our town came to join us. 

I hope you had a lovely Christmas (or other holiday!) and would love to hear how you spent yours :) Do you have any traditions? What is your fave part of a Christmas meal? Lastly, what is the best present you have ever received or given?

Coco ♡


  1. these pictures are absolutely amazing!

  2. Lovely post! xx

  3. Ah, how gorgeous is this! Love this - all so pretty!

    Layla xx


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