If you've been tagging along with my blog for a while now, you may have discovered that I. love. reading. Many a time I have mentioned how recently (within the past year) reading has once again become a huge part of my everyday life, whereas before 2017 begun it unfortunately took a bit of a back seat in my priorities. Well, as I very much want this habit to continue developing I thought I'd aid myself by making sure I always have a new novel to hand, and what better way to do that than have one automatically delivered to me every month?!
Book Box Club Unboxing - December + January
Wednesday, 24 January 2018 •
As a Brit, I am automatically programmed to be obsessed with going on holiday. Escaping the cold confines of the small island that is the UK is, I would say, a main goal of many residents of this country.
Wednesday, 17 January 2018 •
The beginning of 2018 has brought with it the cravings for a fresh start in every aspect of my life. My health, savings and environment have been revamped in a new and improved way to help me feel and be the best I can be throughout the year.
Wednesday, 10 January 2018 •
2017 was my year for reading. Don't get me wrong, I plan for every year from now on to be the same, it's just that last year I really fell back in love with it. I think I've mentioned before, but I had an extremely long dry spell where I did not pick up a book unless I was on a beach. This lasted for a good 5 years (at least).